Money Talk Team

Money Talk Team

If you have any money worries, or want to find out if you are missing out on money you're entitled to, our advisers will be able to talk you through your options and help you find the best way forward.

If you’re struggling to make your money last or are worried about how you’ll pay your bills, you can get advice from the Money Talk Team to help ensure you are receiving all the money you're entitled to.  Our advisers will check whether you’re getting as much income as you possibly could by doing detailed free benefit checks tailored to your own situation. We can then help identify what benefits you may be entitled to and can assist in applying for those benefits, or indeed assist with any issues you having with benefits you are currently receiving.   We can also help you budget and find ways of reducing your monthly spending. We can also offer advice and solutions on any debt worries you may have and refer you to any specialist services who can help implement these solutions.

If you feel you would benefit from our help please get in touch

West Lothian residents can get in touch by:

Calling our advice line – 01506 432977 (10am to 3pm Monday to Friday) and ask for a call back from Money Talk. 

Emailing us at and ask for Money Talk.